Monday, May 02, 2005


Welcome to the picture web site of The Mystery of the Passion of Christ. We have just completed our eleventh season of performances!

If this is your first visit, please be aware that each new posting is always posted above the previous one. If you wish to view the entire website in chronalogical order from the beginning, you may want to begin by starting with the September page in the "archives" just over to the top left which includes an introduction. Next you would go to the November page (no postings in October!) and so forth. Double clicking on a picture will give you a larger view, click on it again and it gets bigger yet! Then, to return, click your back button at the top left of your monitor screen.

We hope that you enjoy our pictures and we invite you to return periodically to view the newest ones as we do, occasionally, add new pictures to the web site!

This is our 10th anniversary logo:

My "Apostle Peter" site:

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